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Paul G. Howes’s Binocular Dissecting Scope

Spencer Lens Company

13 x 7 x 7 in.

Bruce Museum Archive

This scope has interchangeable lenses, which enable it to function as both a traditional microscope and a lower-magnification dissecting scope. Howes brought this microscope with him during his extensive travels over the years, including to British Guiana (1916, 1922); Dominica (1925, 1929); Florida (1944); Arizona (1948, 1950); New Mexico (1950), and Bonaventure Island (1955).

Paul Howes, Dickinson S. Cummings, and porters at camp on Milton Plateau, Dominica in 1929.

Paul Howes, Dickinson S. Cummings, and porters at camp on Milton Plateau, Dominica in 1929.

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